[Jiangcheng Daily] Crack the "strong inspection" problem to help enterprises reduce the burden

来源:   时间: 2024-04-30 09:33

  Recently, Jing Hongzhe, CEO of Aier Eye Hospital Co., Ltd. came to the Torch Building to thank the Party Working Committee of Jilin High-tech Zone and the "enterprise insiders" to help the hospital rescue。

  Jing Hongzhe introduced that the compulsory testing measuring instruments such as comprehensive optometers used in the hospital need to implement strong inspection, but our province and neighboring provinces do not have the testing standards for these ophthalmic professional equipment, and must be sent to the National Metrology Institute for strong inspection every year, the inspection process is difficult, long time, and the additional expenditure burden is heavy。

  Wang Sujia, deputy director of the Complaints and Visits Bureau of Jilin High-tech Zone, as a "business insider", learned of the difficulties of the enterprise, and the relevant person in charge of the municipal Market Supervision Administration and the municipal Metrology Institute went to the hospital to investigate, check the operation of the uninspected measuring instruments, and guide the hospital to apply for verification to the national Metrology Institute。Considering the difficulty and actual use of the enterprise inspection, Wang Sujia repeatedly sought help from the provincial market supervision Department and the Provincial Metrology Institute。Finally, with the joint efforts of all parties, the provincial Metrology Institute agreed to establish this standard, and approved the hospital to apply for verification nearby after the establishment of the standard。This move not only facilitates the hospital to practice according to law and operate in compliance, but also saves the hospital nearly 100,000 yuan in testing costs every year。

  Previously, Aier Eye Hospital has always been willing to join the academic exchange social organization, strengthen exchange learning, improve the level of eye disease diagnosis and treatment and scientific research innovation。Wang Sujia and the municipal health Commission communication and coordination, and finally help the hospital to join the ophthalmology branch of the city Medical Association, President Jin Jie joined the city Medical Association, and was hired as a member of the ophthalmology branch。

  The Party Working Committee and the Management Committee of Jilin High-tech Zone firmly promoted the work of "nine solutions and one coordination", selected 157 "enterprise confidants" "one to one" to guarantee 157 "four enterprises", focused on cultivating enterprises into the regulation and sampling enterprises under the regulation, and 390 of the 573 enterprise appeals received have been completed。